In this long-awaited follow-up to his international best seller The Journey Home: Autobiography of an American Swami, renowned spiritual leader and social activist Radhanath Swami shares intimate stories from his decades of experience as a guru of Bhakti Yoga that illustrate the basic teachings of the ancient philosophy. With illuminating references to Western religions and ideologies, The Journey Within invites readers from all backgrounds to discover the simple truths that unite us.
From the best-selling author of
The Journey Home

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The Journey Within joins it’s predecessor The Journey Home as a guidebook to a healthy spiritual life: great stories and practical advice from a revered teacher who has helped individuals from all walks of life. Radhanath Swami’s books will have great appeal to those who practice yoga and who are interested in learning more about the ancient spirituality behind the popular physical exercise.
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Heartfelt words of appreciation
from Russell Brand, B.K.S. Iyengar, Cornel West and Sri Pejawar Swami…

“He’s a beautiful fellow. He’s got the answer. I’m a spiritual gent and increasingly that’s the level I want to vibrate on, were it not for my crazed lust for sex and glamour.”

“I respect my friend, Shri Radhanath Swamiji, who pursued his spiritual journey experiencing unity in diversity—which is a part and parcel of Indian culture—met various spiritual heads in his journey, and gained knowledge of Adhyaatma Vidya progressively, which then culminated in his journey from the seeker to the state of the seer.”

“Brother Swami is Strong. I have a great love and respect for him.”

“I have interacted with Sri Radhanath since so many years. His simplicity, soft dealings, sober nature, great devotion to Sri Krishna and his initiation in preaching of devotional service has made me feel special pride in him. I pray and hope that people may get great inspiration in their life from such a spiritual practitioner.”